Focused Areas

Artificial Intelligence

AI which has been renowned in recent times, is an self-learning complex algorithm and a smarter way to solve the problems of the world to choose desired actions which are required at the time of action to reduce the problem.

Internet of Things

Internet of Things is the network of connecting the physical objects which are integrated with sensors and computer systems and other technologies through one another through which we can control our sophisticated life.

Reinforcement Learning

Working on building chatbots which effectively shows the power of Reinforcement learning. Very soon, we are going to deploy chatbots in every industry.

Our Products

Facial Authentication System

Our Facial Recognition system is capable of identifying or verifying a person from a digital image or a video frame from a video source.

Academics Management System

A Complete Student monitoring system which is used in all the Educational Institutions. Historical Reports will be generated automatically to get full information about a Student performance towards academics.

HR Analytics

Helping companies to hire best candidates. Our in-built resume filtering mechanism is very accurate while scrapping the details from the resume. It can simplify the hiring process of a company.

Employee Performance

Helping companies to analyze performance of an employee with computer vision technology. Our system can understand the emotions of an employee and it reports about the employee behavior during office hours.

Health Care

Helping companies to analyze performance of an employee with computer vision technology. Our system can understand the emotions of an employee and it reports about the employee behavior during office hours.

Retail Industry

Helping companies to analyze performance of an employee with computer vision technology. Our system can understand the emotions of an employee and it reports about the employee behavior during office hours.

Smart Cities

Helping companies to analyze performance of an employee with computer vision technology. Our system can understand the emotions of an employee and it reports about the employee behavior during office hours.



  • Authentication and Security Related Services

  • Company Surveillance Automation using Computer vision

  • Chatbots Services for Industrial Use.

  • Automating Recruiting Process

Main Preoccupation


We are infusing the ideology of Ai to the different sectors of the society in resolving the problems. Some of the important areas that our company has been focusing were:


HR recruiting Analytics, authorization solutions, automating surveillance, business solutions etc.,


Helping administration by automated attendance system with face recognition technique and AI for students Q&A's etc.,

Health Care

For Doctors and Disabled Persons in Image identification, Direction indicating, Action to Word or speech converting etc.,


Plant diseases solutions, Smart Weather forecast and many for farmers through our apps.

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